Director of Music • Kathleen MacLean, 970-213-9257
The music program at Holy Family Old Cathedral includes three choirs, several cantors, guest organists and instrumentalists. Cathedral musicians are invited to participate in Archdiocesan liturgies at the Cathedral. Our organ is an Allen Quantum 3 Manual Series Classical Organ. Contact Kathleen at the number above or:
9:30 Mass Choir • Kathleen MacLean, 970-213-9257
The 9:30 choir supports congregational singing at the 9:30 Mass as well as at other special liturgies throughout the Church year and often prepares a choral meditation. This choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM. Call Kathleen for information on how to join.
6:00 PM Sunday Mass • Liz Janezich, 907-947-8335
The 6P Mass reaches out to younger musicians in or just out of college. This Mass is served by the digital keyboard and the singing is led by a cantor. More musicians are always welocme to join in. Please contaact Liz at the above number or Kathleen.
Cantors • Kathleen MacLean, 970-213-9257
Cantors lead the congregational singing at the four English organ Masses: 530P Saturday and, 930A, noon and 6P Sunday. This ministry requires some ability to read music and a commitment to weekly preparation and rehearsal.
Schola • Mario Bird, 907-205-9390
Sings at and supports the 4P Dominican Rite Mass both on Sundays and for other special liturgies as required. The Schola’s musical focus is placed most heavily on the ancient chants of the Dominican Order.
Spanish Choir • Juan Ortega, 907-250-2027
Open to all ages, this choir sings at the 2P Spanish Mass. Rehearsals are before Mass. Musical instruments welcome.
El Shaddai Choir • Rowena Carrillo, 907-250-0823
Meets Sundays at 130P in Dominican Hall. The El Shaddai choir leads the charismatic group during praise and worship at their prayer meetings.